Product Detail
Frankfurt Shape Stone Polishing Brush,Polishing Brush
Frankfurt shape stone polishing brushProduct Description:There are many types of abrasive brushes made from different materials are developed to give different surface effects on various materials, such as diamond brush, steel wire brush, nylon brush, Dupont nylon brush, carborundum nylon brush and high neat silicon carbide brush. The stone polishing brush can also be divided into frankfurt, fickert and round by shape. Our diamond abrasive brush, equipped with advanced processing technology of archaiz and adopting the diamond impregnated filament, are account for its excellent polishing performance.Application:Diamond abrasive brush is applied to process natural and composite stone (marble, granite, glass, concrete etc.) surfaces to achieve different finish, such as antique, leather, silklike, and lappato. These diamond brushes are used in hand or auto grinding machine, floor polishing machine to polish. Some effects for reference as follows:Standard specification for Frankfurt shape stone polishing brush:TypeThreadGritFrankfurt(Steel),24#,36#,46#,60#,80#120#,240#,320#,500#,800#,1200#,1500#Fickert(Steel),24#,36#,46#,60#,80#120#,240#,320#,500#,800# ,1200#,1500#Roundφ100M14,M16,5/8"-11(Steel),24#,36#,46#,60#,80#120#,240#,320#,500#,800# ,1200#,1500#Roundφ200M14,M16,5/8"-11(Steel),24#,36#,46#,60#,80#120#,240#,320#,500#,800# ,1200#,1500#Other specifications are availabe as per your request. Service: Other specification or design of segment can be ordered by request.Customize formula according to stone features, such as hard, medium-hard or soft.Technical consultation support before and after sales. Please try best to offer below information when you are placing order:Diamond brush type (Frankfurt, Fickert, Round)Abrasive brush material (Diamond, steel wire, nylon, Dupont etc.)Grit (24# - 1500#)Diameter (Round Brush)Thread Type (Round Brush)